Happy August! This month I am going to be hosting a 30 day self-care challenge. Self-care and Hygge came into my life at one of the lowest points in my personal journey and now I don’t know where I would be without them. I’ve attached a poster to hang on the wall in your office, stick in your purse, hang on your fridge, take a screenshot whatever you can find to keep it handy. It has 30 ideas of things that you can do to remind yourself that you deserve to come first.
You can absolutely think of your own things to add to your list. These are just things that I know that I want to try and do for August. I will be hosting a giveaway for those of you who do these tasks throughout the month. When you complete a task, you can shoot me a DM, Facebook message me, post a picture on the Facebook page or in the comments below I want you to be posting. I want you to enjoy this month!
It’s the last month of summer. The last month before the kids go back to school before jobs are back to regular schedules, this is the time to take care of yourself and really refill your glass. I love the saying you can’t pour from an empty cup. My reality is often pouring out my entire cup before I take time to refill my own.
I challenge you again to do one thing for yourself each day. Even one small thing each day it may be taking five minutes in the bathroom door closed while the kids play. Listening to an audio book on your way to work. Stopping at Starbucks and get yourself the fancy coffee you haven’t had in too long. Whatever it takes for you to do something each and every day just for you not for anybody else I promise you’ll feel 100 times better. I can’t wait to see what you post and share the more entries and post the more chances are will be entered to win the prizes come the end of the month.
Here's to a healing and healthy August!