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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine do you feel?

So sorry for the hiatus the last couple of weeks. My world has been going a million miles a minute and I just needed to take a beat and disconnect, but I'm back!

This week at work I had a woman interrupt my sales pitch and say "I'm sorry, but I just have to tell're so beautiful". I have to say at first I thought this old, purple trench coat wearing, short silver hair, dark heavy rimmed glasses dawning woman was out of her mind. I didn't feel great in the outfit I was wearing, I hadn't taken an extra 5 minutes to straighten my hair just right.

I honestly didn't know what to think. And then she continued, "your skin is impeccable, your eyes are so bright, and your smile... well... it's second to none". I responded with a simple "wow, thank you, you just made my day"! She was so kind and she simply said, "So many young women don't realize or hear nearly enough how wonderfully unique and beautiful you are."

Let me tell you I heard what she said and it's been in my mind ever since.

We have been trained to criticize every lump, bump, pant size upgrade, or instinctively looking to the back of the clothing rack to find your size, but when is the last time you TRULY felt beautiful?

Was it your wedding day? The day you go engaged? In full make up for a shoot?

It got me thinking how do we change our mindset and embrace our beauty? How do we stop being so critical of ourselves and embrace our selves? Should it really be that hard to do?

People may say they like your outfit or that you look beautiful, but do you believe them?

If you're like me, you don't. I say thank you politely, but I don't take those simple words to heart and I am committed to changing my thinking on that. Every girl wants to feel beautiful. Hell, I want to feel beautiful. Whether it's sweat pants and a hoodie with no make up and my hair up or in full make up and a new outfit for a shoot. I want to feel and emulate beauty. I want people around me to feel the same as well.

Ladies, we deserve to feel like a million bucks everyday, so let's start living up to our worth. Because quite simply, we deserve it.

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