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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

Gratitude Practice

If gratitude practice isn't part of your day I am telling you right now that you need to make the time. Whether it is writing 2 things you're grateful for on a post it note or taking 10 minutes to enjoy a walk on a gorgeous fall day. Gratitude practice is one of the most important parts of living a happy and healthy life. Honestly, we are bombarded with millions of stimuli every second and we only see what we choose to see. It's insane. When you start to make a conscious effort to see things that make you happy you begin to live a life that is overall so much happier. You block out the negative energy in situations that use to rock your day or shift your mood and change how you see the situation it's pretty dang cool how something so small has such a big impact.

Dave has been in my life since forever. He was a cool member of my uncles rock band back in the day and he's been an honorary family member since I've been alive. He's a dear family friend and I strive to be half as positive as this dude is on a daily basis. I reached out to him because he is a gratitude practice guru. Be sure to follow him on insta @davidbreckheimer

he's always there to provide you with the boost you need or a reminder that everyday may not be perfect, but there's an awful lot of good that surrounds us.

Check out this amazing video to learn more about the Practical side of Gratitude.

Thank you so much Dave for your help :)

You are awesome.


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