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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

Happy (almost) Birthday Nam

We all have people who have shaped us. Who have shown us what it takes to be an amazing person and who encourage us to strive to be the best versions of ourselves. One of those people in my life was and is still my Namie. Tomorrow is her birthday. Her first heavenly birthday. Today was hard. I have shed tears multiple times today simply thinking about the significance of tomorrow. It's not just another birthday. This is the first one that she has had in years that she is where she wanted to be all along. Reunited with Papa. Her love. Today I took time to bring flowers to the cemetery with mom. I find such solace being there and visiting her and Papa.

I go often. In the last six months Nam has listened, I visit her and Papa often and they are always there to listen. Sitting under the tree that marks their place I have told her about the hardships, the things that no one else knows, the hurt, and even though she isn't there she is. She is with me.

Namie taught me so much about overcoming obstacles, loving the little things, embracing cuddles and love, and that a good hand or head rub could change the entire outlook of your day.

Here are some of the things that I want to never forget that she taught me and that whenever they happen I can't help but smile to know that she is right here going through life with me.

-Cookbooks are meant to be read from cover to cover at least once.

Mom recently sent me a quote from one of Nam's old cookbooks and I think it was meant to be shared.

We may live without poetry, music, and art; we may live without conscience, and we may live without heart; we may live without friends; we may live without books; but civilized man cannot live without cooks. -Lord Lytton

She also pushed me to cook things I never dreamed of. One of my proudest moments was cooking an entire 3 course meal for her and Papa from a treasured first edition of Julia Child's first cookbook.

-Black coffee is necessary to start a day

-Coffee on the patio, porch, or deck is an even better way to start the day

-Crepes can solve all of life's problems

- Handwritten anything means more than anything digital ever will.

-Love and Love hard. No matter what.

-A lovie blanket is needed in every room of the house and multiples are encouraged

-It's okay to make people wait and do things for yourself.

She told dad and I a story once when Papa first got sick about how her favorite time every week was when the kids were little was to get everyone ready and out the door for church and she would simply sit at the kitchen table and finish her coffee and enjoy the quiet. Papa would blast the horn from the driveway (undoubtedly repeatedly) and she would just take those couple of minutes for herself. I will never forget that.

-Wear jewelry that means something

She always used to wear a bracelet with all of our names and birth dates on it. I can still hear it jangle. She wore it with such pride and couldn't wait to tell whomever asked about all of us and the special things we were doing.

-Be a trendsetter

Whether it was wearing plaid bell bottoms (one of my favorite pictures of her) or stamding up and being an advocate for those around you do it and do it with the power to move mountains and with no regrets.

-Eat dessert

Although not a chocolate fan, she would never ever turn down a caramel sundae.

-Teach others your craft

I will never forget my countless crocheting lessons, learning how to make Papa's tea just right every afternoon and learning her special way to shuffle a deck of cards. Teach someone how to do it.

-Make and love your space

-Stay small

Be modest. Show respect. Be resilient. Reflect. Love fearlessly. But never forget who you are and what you stand for.

-Family first always


-Write. Write. Write. Write. Write.

Get your thoughts down. Someday someone will need to see those words in your very own handwriting.

-Leave notes around the house, they'll come in handy.

-Live with no regrets.

I never want to forget the little things. The important moments. And I will never stop making you proud.

Happy Birthday Feliz Cumpleanos Namie.

I hope your day is filled with a great cup of coffee, tons of yellow flowers, a beautiful beachy sunset, a sundae with extra caramel sauce and endless love.

Love always,

Your Katrina

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1 comentario

Nicole Donnay
Nicole Donnay
17 sept 2019

I love this! Your Nami sounds amazing! ❤️

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