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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

If I could tell the old me....

There’s a picture floating around the instagram world.  

If I were to tell you that at 26 you would be happy. The 23 year old you wanted to give up.  Yep, that was me. 

You knew at 5 that you were going to be a teacher and if I could tell you now, it’d be to grow into the self you WANT to be. Absorb everything.  Listen, follow your gut, learn, read the books, stay in on nights you want to be, party til 4am with your friends when the night feels right. Your job is truly the least important part of your life and remember that. It’s important for the 8-4 you’re there, but it shouldn’t be your reason to live. That’s not living. 

Write the books. 

Drink the wine. 

Dig your toes in the sand. 

Drink coffee and watch the sunrise everyday. 

Watch for the green flash of sunset any chance you can. 

Hold Papa’s hand a little longer. 

Let Nam give you an extra hand rub. 

Hug your family harder. 

Intervene when your people need help. 

Listen and have the hard converstations

Ask for help when you need it. Those you love will listen, and those who don’t can be easily eliminated from your world. 

End the friendship if it’s not serving you. 

Go for the walk. 

Eat the ice cream. 

People walk in and out of your life for a reason. IT’S OKAY to close a door.  New ones will open ten fold. 

Bravery is hard. 

Your gut is right, so listen to it. 

Go outside. Enjoy the sunshine, feel the rain on your face, and catch snowflakes on your tongue. 

Run when you feel you should and don’t turn back no matter the cost. 

Have 4 hour dinners with friends where you talk and laugh until your stomach hurts. 

Sing as loud as you can at the radio, at a concert, whenever the spirit moves you. 


Love your body.  It’s not perfect, but you’re the only one who is deciding it’s anything other than beautiful. 

Find God.  However he serves you.  Find him. 

Pray.  People all around you are struggling more than you know. Pray to give them the strength to continue the journey. 


This year has taught us all that there’s no guarantee of tomorrow. It has been a hard year for everyone, so instead of letting that wrinkle your spirit turn it into motivation to get your head and heart right and be the best version of yourself you can be.



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