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Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

Last 90 Days

You all know that I love Rachel Hollis. If you don't know about her you should absolutely check her out on any form of social that's your jam.

Her and her husband Dave are truly bad ass and have challenged everyone (seriously everyone) to commit to making some small changes for the last 90 days of the year that will have a big impact in the next year. It seems too good to be true right? I promise you it isn't.

They have made it so easy to set meaningful and intentional goals so that you can be successful in the challenge. It's based on 5 to thrive.

Here we go:

1) Get up one hour earlier. No, I am not going to get up at 4am. I am tired enough as it is. For me I get up 15 minutes earlier then I normally do. That gives me just enough time to get my gratitude journal done and set my intentions for the day before working out.

2) Workout for at least 30 minutes a day.

This one is easy. It doesn't have to be the same workout everyday. It can be a walk with a friend, yoga, pilates, whatever you want to do get your body moving, but commit to doing it everyday.

3) Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.

My trick to this is to buy yourself a new cup, even though you probably don't need a new one, just so it's something new and fun to drink out of. It definitely helps you keep the water flowing.

4) Give up one food category that you know you shouldn't be eating.

I am going to commit this year to eliminating carbs with more than one ingredient from my diet. So I am keeping, potatoes, rice, oats, etc, but no go on breads, crackers, etc.

5) Write down 10 things that you're grateful for each day.

You don't need any special tools to do this. The Hollis co did create an awesome journal which you can purchase here.

You don't technically need to start this challenge until Tuesday, but I suggest taking some time tonight to get your head in the game. Start by goal setting.

My goal for the last 90 days is to take one night a week to myself. No social media, no social engagements, no agenda, no meal prep. Just a night every week to myself. I want to take baths and go to bed at 7pm if I want to. Or eat a Chipotle bowl or ice cream for dinner. I have forgotten how to give myself grace and have instead been running myself completely ragged.

We can do this squad. I am so pumped to be committed to doing this challenge and have such a strong squad behind me.

You can sign up completely free here and the awesome people at the Hollis Co will send you weekly emails with different themes, goals, and motivations for each week.

WE CAN DO THIS! Commit to the challenge and join me!



Here are some other awesome resources I've found to help you stay on track.

Last 90 Days Tracker here

A great addition to your goals notebook here

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