Today I did so much cooking and it truly made my heart happy.
I made Chad and I snack boxes for the week. All of the healthy snacks we need to get us through the week and can avoid junk food.
Chads had-
hard boiled eggs
String Cheese
Mine had-
Sliced strawberries
I find that I do WAY better when I have things at my desk that are just good munchies. I am always craving a salty snack about 3:00, so I'm hoping that starting my day with breakfast and then having my snack box nearby will help me fight the urge for a salty or chocolate sweet.
For dinner I tried a new recipe for Lasagna Soup.
I did a bunch of research and came up with my own recipe.
Chad and I both gave it 2 thumbs up, so here's what I did!
1 carton of beef broth
1 lb Italian sausage browned with a bag of spinach
1 large can of crushed tomatoes
1 can of Italian diced tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
Italian seasoning
red pepper flakes
onion powder
I threw it all together in a crockpot and let it simmer for about 3 hours on low. 30 minutes before dinner I added about 10 crunched up lasagna noodles and just let it sit on warm.
To top it I did 1 container of ricotta cheese, Italian seasoning, garlic and onion powder mixed and topped each bowl with a dollop like sour cream.
I served it with garlic toast.
