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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

On the come back

The last couple of months have been more eye opening than one could ever image.  There have been a multitude of changes and to be completely honest I once again got down into the hard part of life.  I got a new job that enlightened me to just how negative my last job had made me.  I love the work that I did and still do, but at my last job I would come home so defeated and exhausted that I would be a zombie.  It was affecting my relationships, my health, and my happiness.  Chad would tell me that I was “crabby” all the time, but I didn’t believe him.  I thought that I was just tired.  Well… it was so much more than that. 

I have been spending the last few months doing everything in my power to find myself.  Distance myself from the blog and social media (which I love) and really search my heart and soul for some sort of pathway.  Some sort of light to guide me to where I am supposed to be. 

I have been journaling, listening to personal development podcasts, actually reading books, going for walks, and trying to relax. Well, it has shown me an entirely new side of life that I was completely overlooking. 

I had worked weekends for the last ten years and taking this new job gave me the freedom to not have to do that.  I have never had two consecutive days off per week in the history of me working, so this has been quite the change.  I never understood how people slept in, didn't set an alarm on the weekends because all I’ve ever known is having one day off so that day needed to start at “normal” time to get the house cleaned, grocery shop, do laundry, the list was never ending.  I had to be “on” at all times. People would tell me to relax and I realize now that I honestly didn’t know how. How pathetic does that sound? I didn’t know how to relax.  So in this period of soul searching and truly taking a step back I am slowly discovering how. 

Taking time to not only rediscover my sense of self, but also figure out what is of true value in my life.  What and who I surround myself with has proven to be immensely important. I didn’t realize just how important it was. 

I am trying to be cognizant of how I am spending every moment of my day and it has been incredibly eye opening. 

Here are a few things that I have been trying- 

-leaving my phone at home to go for a walk with Chad 

-disconnecting from social media 

-no phone dinners 

-evening patio chats 


-tubs with a bath bomb  

I am going to challenge you to print out this bingo board and for the next few weeks try to be even a bit more intentional with how you are loving yourself.  

I have learned a lot these last few weeks, but the couple of things that stand out are: to never say no to an experience and to always keep yourself happy first. Everyone has their opinions and thoughts about your life, but if you and your heart aren’t happy, then the only person you’re letting down is yourself.

Fasten your seatbelts because I’m about to be back to annoying Facebook and Instagram posts and weekly blog updates.



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