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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

Share it!

I was once told by an acquaintance that I shouldn’t share the struggle.  That it should be hidden because “you’re not the only one dealing with it”. Well, it’s my life and I am going to share it. I had to decide what to do with the trauma of an incredibly difficult relationship.  I could’ve swallowed it and lived it and I honestly don’t know where I’d be today, but I can tell you that it wouldn’t be good.  I wouldn’t be the woman I am today.  Sharing my story is not to receive a pity party. That was never my intention and never will be. 

Sharing my story is to tell the woman I was almost two years ago that it’s okay.  It’s okay to be stuck in a crappy place and to not know what the next step is.  It’s okay to break down in your therapy sessions for months and not see the “growth”. It’s okay to hide going to therapy and to only share with who you want to.  It’s nothing to be ashamed of.  It is powerful.  It is a huge step in the right direction, you just may not know it yet and that’s okay! It’s okay to want to go out and see people and try to start living again.  It’s okay to want to curl up and spend the night at home alone.  It’s okay to take a bath and read a book submerged in bubbles with a big glass of your favorite wine.  It’s okay to only see your best friend in sweatpants for a while because it’s the only thing you want to wear.  It’s okay to eat ice cream in your pajamas and watch your favorite movie for the hundredth time. IT IS OKAY.  There’s no playbook for what is happening to you right now.  The abnormal is normal.  The unknown is going to be okay. 

Coping and healing and growing is ugly and hard and beautiful all at the same time.  It’s reaching for an unknown. It’s trying to be someone new, but you aren’t sure exactly who that lady is yet.  It’s connecting with old friends and saying goodbye to others in order to GROW.  It’s living and holding no hard feelings.  It’s learning to fly without a parachute. It’s asking for help when you feel alone. It’s sharing what’s going on with even one person.  You can’t do this alone sis and no one expects you to! 

Reach out and ask for help! There are so many strong women that are around you and can help you.  Even if it’s just a coffee or a walk you’d be surprised at who may have a story just like yours and is just too scared to show it. The only way to grow is to stop, listen, and learn from each other. 



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