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Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

Starting Fresh...2020 here I come

2019 was a difficult one and you, my dedicated readers, are well aware. Trauma, counseling, job changes, debt, car problems. It ran the gambit. 2019 taught me so much about myself and how I want to live my next 10 years.

There is scientific proof to the fact that you need to write down and share your goals with an audience in order for them to come true. If you manifest them, surround yourself with inspiration to do all of the things that you want to.

Here are some of my personal goals for 2020-

-cut debt in half

-cook something new each week

-read one new book a month

-drink less alcohol

-join a book club

-be more present

-spend one night a week by myself (working on the blog, taking a bath, having a girls night, whatever that may be)

-put $10 away a week for something special

-be inspired by the people I surround myself with

-write (ideally daily)

-drink more water

-workout 6 days a week

Professional goals-

-work at a job I love

-engage in meaningful work relationships

-don't take everything so personally

-do one thing at a time

-take a deep breath

Blog goals-

-be paid for content creation

-500 views a week

-3,000 followers on Instagram

-2 blog posts a week

One of my biggest inspirations is Rachel Hollis. I understand that some people think that what she does is bull-honky and you have the right to think that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I believe in her just as much as I think that she truly believes in each and every bad ass woman who is determined to fulfill her dreams.

Please take the 3 minutes and listen to her wise isn't about being perfect in 2020. It is about embracing the occasional suck and getting back up to show the world you can.

Let's do this my friends!

Tell me what you are going to commit to in 2020. I am here to be your biggest fan.


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