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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Brine

Take time to make your soul happy

Quarantine sucks straight up sucks.

It's fricken hard. So I'm going to tell you something that I am sure you've heard, but I am going to tell you again. IT SUCKS FOR EVERYONE. IT IS NOT JUST YOU. So quit your pity party and try to make the best of it. It's all we can do at this point.

I have been listening to Brene Brown's new podcast called Unlocking Us. It's been a real eye opener. I try to be super transparent with you here, on the blog, and on all social platforms. I have seriously struggled during quarantine. I am social by nature and being stuck at home with my thoughts and only Chad to talk to it gets hard. We've had our ups and downs. I struggle when things don't go according to plan I have in my mind and the last 3 months haven't gone according to plan, so I spun out of control. I have a hard time explaining how I am feeling in the moment of being defeated or frustrated and Chad likes to fix things immediately. I like to think and ponder all the courses of action before jumping to any conclusions. We are different and when it comes to our relationship our differences bring us closer in the good times and can destroy us during the tough ones. There were a few times in the last few weeks I thought our relationship was over and it sucked. Listening to the podcast especially on episode 1 FFT's EVERYONE is struggling right now. It isn't just me. It's my friends and family and people I run into at target. Everyone is going through this for the first time. This is not easy for anyone. They may not show it, but this is hard on everyone.

Two of the hardest things that I had to say goodbye to were trips. Things that I had looked forward to for months. 1) Going up to visit our friends at their new house in the middle of the woods. 2) A trip to the North Shore. So after talking to Brooke we both decided that after a month of cancelled plans a quick weekend in the north woods was 10,000% necessary for everyone.

I knew I needed for my own sanity to get into the woods and fresh air. I have known for weeks I needed to get away. So we did just that. Chad picked me up from work and up north we went. We had three hours of actual conversation, car karaoke, and adventures. We got to Brooke and Justin's and imagine the perfect cabin in the north woods and that's what it was. We sat and talked, had some great new Liftbridge Seltzers. I'd 10/10 recommend the Island Time flavor. It's going to be a great summer drink!

The 18 hour break from reality was so needed I can't even begin to explain. The meaningful conversation had between friends that haven't seen each other in 6 months. The similarities in difficult situations, the struggles, the victories, the hard conversations, we shared it all. We all sat and talked for hours and it was beyond words. We talked about their upcoming wedding and all of the fun details that come along with it.

We made a great dinner, went to see his parents cabin, explored, went for a hike. It was a truly great 18 hours. To the point that I was so sad to leave I didn't want to get in the car to come home.

The saying "Take time to make your soul happy" is truly what I have been trying to frame my mind around during this time. This weekend I said yes to plans, we had more good times and laughs in these few hours than I've had in the last month. I took time to make my heart and mind happy and clear and I don't think it was just me. Everyone had such a good time.

Brene spoke in a podcast a couple weeks ago about the power of human connection and that it's imperative to keep human connection alive and communication lines open during this incredibly hard time. It's critical.

My challenge to you is to do something this week that makes your soul happy because you deserve nothing but happiness.

Love always,


PS- I found this song on Pandora this week and I think it fits the theme perfectly.

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