All rough patches come in groups right? It’s interesting how that works. Just when you think you’ve overcome something monumental something else throws you a curveball.
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon the Heartbroken podcast by KDWB’s DJ Falen. Let me tell you it has been a godsend. When you leave an abusive relationship you are left with nothing….like actually nothing. You’re not happy. You lack confidence. You feel helpless. You feel unlovable.
Yes, there are things you can do to combat those feelings. Go out. Spend time with friends. Talk to someone. But sometimes you just need the quiet and something to listen to. I am so glad that I found this podcast when I did. Every Friday you get to hear a story from the words of a woman who made it through some tough shit. (pardon my French) These girls are not broken they’re brave. These girls have lost mothers on their wedding day, survived abuse, escaped toxic relationships with alcoholics after years, and combatted the situation when a husband “fell out of love” with her. When you get out of a horrible relationship you want to tell the world, but you feel like no one cares because they already knew it was a crappy situation.
There is immense beauty and strength in sharing your story. In having the courage to tell the dude who screwed with your life to F-OFF! To hear stories like this make you feel like you’re not alone because you are not. You are not the first one to be emotionally and physically abused. You are not the first one to be stood up. You are not the first one to be scared to be alone. And until we break the stigma and start talking about the stuff that we are actually going through the cycle with just perpetuate.
If you have an extra half hour this week PLEASE give this podcast a listen.
As a bonus all of these amazingly strong and badass women are from Minnesota!
I challenge you this week to share a tough relationship story with someone you care about and trust. It doesn’t matter if it happened last week, last year, or 20 years ago. Share your story. You’ll feel better and I promise you that whoever you tell will be glad you did and will wish that you would’ve had the courage to tell the sooner.
Let me know what you think!